Sunday, February 28, 2010


I just got this recipe from a friend... her exact words were, "just made these... crazy easy and crazy goood." Thanks Michele!


1 box Duncan Hines yellow cake mix
1 pkg. Nestles semi-sweet morsels
1 c. nuts (optional)
2 tbsp. water
1/2 c. oil
2 eggs

Mix oil, water and eggs together. Add cake mix, morsels and nuts. Spoon onto cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

On the go...

I always keep a bag packed in our car that includes diapers, wipes, extra sets of clothes for the kiddos, snacks, sippy cups, toys and Tylenol. This is not my diaper bag it is just something that is always on hand while we are running errands and is essential for those unexpected places life might take you! Don't forget to keep an extra shirt in there for you too... you never know what or when you might spill on yourself!

I also keep a "catch all basket" in the very back of my car. This is a place where kids toys, extra shoes and who knows what else is on the floor or under the seats of my car go. You can use a small/medium Rubbermaid bin, a shopping bag or a cute wicker basket. It is very convenient to place everything in that basket at the end of the day and take into the house. It also is handy (and a fast way to clean your car) when you become the chosen driver at the last minute.

One more handy tip for a mama (or anyone!) on the run is using a darling gift bag for a garbage bag in your car. It is big enough to hold trash, inexpensive and looks cute too!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Birthday Treats!

Since it's my birthday I thought I would share one of my favorite treats! I LOVE chocolate covered strawberries... here is a recipe from that I found rather cute...

Fairy Berries
You will need:

Large strawberries with stems
White chocolate (such as Nestle Premier White Morsels or Wilton White Candy Melts; 1 cup of pieces will coat about 12 strawberries)
Red food coloring
Decorating sugar (sprinkles also work well)

Rinse the berries, then pat them dry with paper towels.
Place the white chocolate in a bowl and melt it in the microwave according to the package instructions. Stir in red food coloring until the chocolate is tinted pink (we used 5 drops for 1 cup of chocolate).
Pour the sugar onto a plate. Holding each berry by the stem, dunk it into the chocolate, then roll it immediately in the sugar. Place the berries on a sheet of waxed paper and let the coating harden.

I also thought the Edible Magic Wands looked adorable and worth a try! AND don't forget to check out my favorite Key Lime Pie!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Night Time Sky

Here is a simple art project for you and your little one(s). My daughter and I came up with this when we were bored one day...
1. Take a piece of blue construction paper or have your kids color a blank piece of paper blue.
2. Trace and cut out pieces of foil in the shape of the moon and stars.
3. Glue and place the moon and star foil pieces on the paper.
What a shiny piece of artwork that is easy for you and fun for them!

Sprout TV was so impressed with my daughter's artwork that they featured it on the Good Night Show with Nina and Star!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

6 Things

If you are like me, your days can get pretty full! There are some days when the dishes get done and some days they don't. It always leaves me wishing I had a maid! However, after browsing the Martha Stewart Website I came across a list. "6 things to do EVERY DAY". I can do that! Only 6 easy things, perfect! In fact, I have this list on my bulletin board! Here they are:

1. Make the Bed
2. Manage Clutter
3. Sort the Mail
4. Clean as You Cook
5. Wipe Up Spills While They're Fresh
6. Sweep the Kitchen Floor

If you have time to read the article, please do! I found it very helpful in fact, I have made these 6 things a habit and have added a few ideas to make my days easier as well. For example:

1. Before breakfast I Make the Bed(s)
2. I use a "cute catch all basket" for kids toys to Manage Clutter.
3. I Sort the Mail by throwing out the junk mail and placing the important mail in the same spot every day so my husband knows where to find it.
4. I Clean as I Cook and also when the kids are awake so I can rest when they rest! I also make cleaning and cooking a game so the kids can enjoy it too!
5. An easy way to Wipe Up Spills While They're Fresh is to have Clorox Wipes on hand at ALL TIMES!
6. I make Sweeping the Kitchen Floor fun by using my Swiffer and letting the kids help by using their kid size broom and dust pan.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Power Of A Cookie Cutter

Cookie cutters are great for so many reasons! Here are just a few idea's off the top of my head:
1. Sugar cookies

2. Stencils and Tracing

3. Bubbles

4. Sweet messages to a loved one in food

5. Baby Toys (only if they do not have sharp edges and are plastic!)

6. Play Dough

7. Hide and Seek

8. Sorting and Matching games

9. Bath Toys (only if plastic!)

10. Fun Sandwich and Quesadilla's

Here is a link for a great, inexpensive, 101 piece, plastic cookie cutter set!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Who doesn't love a very easy dinner? How about one that good for you too?? I needed a simple fix tonight so I came up with this... took me about 15 minutes total and it was a hit. I am not even sure what you would call it...

In a frying pan:
Brown ground turkey
Add turkey gravy mix and 2 cups of water
Add 1 cup whole grain instant rice
Add vegetable(s) of choice! (I used fresh broccoli)
Let cook for a few and you are done!

*Kid tip: Don't mix veggies to your kid's portion and shape it like a bear face. Then add veggies as eyes, mouth and nose... they will love it!*

I served it with fruit salad and milk.

I have been told...

I have been told that I should have done this a while ago. So here I am. I hope you enjoy my daily blogs as I try to keep life as simple and creative as I can! Sometimes the ideas will come straight from my head, sometimes from friends and sometimes from different websites or books. I will always give credit where credit is due and can't wait to share more ideas with you! Stay tuned for recipes, craft ideas, simple solutions and more!