Wednesday, February 24, 2010

6 Things

If you are like me, your days can get pretty full! There are some days when the dishes get done and some days they don't. It always leaves me wishing I had a maid! However, after browsing the Martha Stewart Website I came across a list. "6 things to do EVERY DAY". I can do that! Only 6 easy things, perfect! In fact, I have this list on my bulletin board! Here they are:

1. Make the Bed
2. Manage Clutter
3. Sort the Mail
4. Clean as You Cook
5. Wipe Up Spills While They're Fresh
6. Sweep the Kitchen Floor

If you have time to read the article, please do! I found it very helpful in fact, I have made these 6 things a habit and have added a few ideas to make my days easier as well. For example:

1. Before breakfast I Make the Bed(s)
2. I use a "cute catch all basket" for kids toys to Manage Clutter.
3. I Sort the Mail by throwing out the junk mail and placing the important mail in the same spot every day so my husband knows where to find it.
4. I Clean as I Cook and also when the kids are awake so I can rest when they rest! I also make cleaning and cooking a game so the kids can enjoy it too!
5. An easy way to Wipe Up Spills While They're Fresh is to have Clorox Wipes on hand at ALL TIMES!
6. I make Sweeping the Kitchen Floor fun by using my Swiffer and letting the kids help by using their kid size broom and dust pan.

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