Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Power Of A Cookie Cutter

Cookie cutters are great for so many reasons! Here are just a few idea's off the top of my head:
1. Sugar cookies

2. Stencils and Tracing

3. Bubbles

4. Sweet messages to a loved one in food

5. Baby Toys (only if they do not have sharp edges and are plastic!)

6. Play Dough

7. Hide and Seek

8. Sorting and Matching games

9. Bath Toys (only if plastic!)

10. Fun Sandwich and Quesadilla's

Here is a link for a great, inexpensive, 101 piece, plastic cookie cutter set!


  1. Don't kitchen things make the best toys? I'm not sure why I ever buy Ben anything else!

  2. This is so perfect and so you, and i'm very thankful i can take advantage of your creativity now! makes life easy for us moms, thanks Jamie!
    love u,
