Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Painting Project

A friend of mine stumbled upon this blog: THE LITTLE PROJECT and it is so cute! Lots of super ideas for you and your kiddos. We did this activity at a baby shower I hosted and now my kids and I are going to do this project: The Village People . We are not going to go as far as they did on the blog, but we are going to paint our family as little wooden people. How cute is that? (Thanks Shannan for the idea!) I will post pictures when we are done. Here is a link where you can get the wooden dolls. DOLLS I bought acrylic paint from Wal-Mart and a pack of all different paint brushes. You might be able to do a one stop shopping trip at your local craft store too. Have fun and send me pictures if you do this project! I would love to show off your creativeness on the blog!

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